

Scheduled on

Monday 16:00 18:00
Friday 16:00 18:00

A news and actuality programme with Kingdom perspective

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Asking those difficult questions our listener's need answers for.

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Spectrum is a news and actuality programme on Radio Pulpit. It’s a place to ask difficult questions our listener’s need answers for, be it Christian, life or business-related. It offers the listener’s a broad spectrum of topics. One such example is looking at international news through the lens of a Biblical perspective. Spectrum also tackles current affairs and often have difficult conversations that no one wants to have.

Industry experts join in and share their opinions. Examples of guests on the show include the Chief Justice of South Africa. CEO’s of companies, Trade Union Representatives, the Secretary of the Council of Churches.  Legal and health experts also frequent the programme.

The programme aims to bring the church and business sector together, thereby equipping listeners to impact and influence the economy and their place of work.

On Ultimate Motivation Mondays, we talk about health matters with an expert.  In Kingdom Legislation, a Christian legal expert gives advice. The programme also has a strong focus on conversations, and listeners get to share motivation and what happened at their church. On Family Friday, we focus on empowering listeners to build strong families.

Besides your regular dose of news and actuality, you can also expect to hear rhymes, on-air games and much more on Spectrum, Radio Pulpit 657AM. If you missed an episode, you can find it in our podcast section.

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Spectrum crew

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