Author: Stephanie Conradie
21 Sept 1975 – 1 Aug 2022 It is with great sadness that we have learnt that Sipho Kaleni, a Radio Pulpit presenter for more than two decades, has passed away after suffering from diabetes and septicemia. Sipho was a gentle giant in the radio broadcasting and music industries. Similar to the meaning of his […]
It is inevitable that each of us will stand before God’s throne. The righteous receive their reward and the unsaved are condemned forever. It is the one place where you get what you deserve, and without the blood of Jesus, you are lost. But as a Christian, you stand there to be rewarded more, or […]
When I think of Easter and Jesus who has given His life for us on the cross so that we could live (John 3:16) I cannot help but think of His resurrection three days later. Jesus’ death on the cross is the saddest incident in the history of mankind; which has been transformed to the […]