
Christians celebrate a different kind of love

Written by on 11 February 2021

On the 14th of February, people worldwide celebrate Valentine’s Day, but we celebrate a different kind of love as children of God. Every day. An unwavering love that carries us through the darkest, fiercest storms and that spills over into the lives of those around us.

Phil Callaway, in his book, Making Life Rich Without Any Money, said:

In a world characterized by loneliness and despair, we can reach out in love to those around us. Or, as St. Francis once said, we can “preach the gospel all the time; if necessary, use words.”

Called to live His love

God’s love is free, yet costs us everything, as He called us to live His love in a dying, broken world. Only as we experience and understand His love for us can we extend it beyond that which is humanly possible. In the light of His love, are we able to turn the other cheek, look deeper than hurt, and love beyond ourselves.

It is His great love for us that set us free, that renews our hope and faith, and that enables us to continue pressing on when facing tremendous odds. It isn’t a respecter of persons and unashamedly crosses the barriers of race, doctrine and personal preference.

The greatest truths any person can know is that God accepts them, loves them unconditionally and that they can be secure in the salvation of Christ. We can love one another because He first loved us. This love binds us together as a family of God and is the same love that compels us to reach out and touch broken lives.

1 Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Let us encourage each other to greater love – for God, each other, and a broken world. If you need a fresh word from God every morning; you can subscribe to The Word for Today.

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