
Following Christ is a daily choice

Written by on 15 August 2022

What do your daily choices say about who you follow; Christ, yourself or something else? Choosing to follow God’s principles from the Word, or perhaps what He placed on your heart, can sometimes be extremely difficult. There are daily choices, but there are also moments of great significance when life draws a line in the sand.

In Joshua 24:14-15, the people of Israel had such a choice to make:

And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Who are you going to serve today?

This was an exciting time in the Israelites’ journey with God, a definite crossroad for the children of Israel. We are faced with the same choices every day when we have to choose who we will serve. Every day we are confronted with this question; Who will you serve?

Many people make this choice without real consideration. Who are we choosing through the words we speak and our daily deeds? Choosing to serve God will be one of the most important choices you make in life, and it will also be one of the best choices you make. It comes with great joy, peace and love. But this choice will also impact other decisions you have to make daily.

If you choose to serve God, your actions must reflect the principles in His Word. For example, how will you react when someone is disrespectful to you? How will you respond when you disagree with someone? What will you do when you get angry?

Serving through actions

The proof of who we serve daily is in our actions. Joshua gave the children of Israel a choice which they had to make consciously. Choosing God meant doing life God’s way or choosing other gods and doing life the way they dictate. The advice we give others, our actions, the words we say, the thoughts we meditate upon, etc. Are they glorifying God?

When we choose God, we choose a different life. We choose to react differently when facing challenging times. May you be like Joshua and choose to serve the Lord. And may you have an impact on your family, friends and everyone else around you.

Written by Stephanie Conradie.

For daily inspiration, tune in on your favourite Christian radio station on 657 AM, or read The Word for Today. You can also listen to our podcasts on iono.fm. Young adults can find guidance on I AM Youth.

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