
Set up your Will for free during National Wills Week

Written by on 13 September 2021

Radio Pulpit can set up your Will for free during National Wills Week from 13 – 17 September.

If anyone knows the value of having an up to date and valid Will, it’s the members of our legal fraternity. More especially, as they often have to deal with the complications that come from people not having a Will. They are witnesses to the bereaved family’s hardships that come from that.

Take advantage of National Wills Week

National Wills Week is an initiative of The Law Society of South Africa. During this week, attorneys all over the country who are registered with the Law Society of South Africa will draw up a Will. It is free of charge, for anyone who requires one.

At Radio Pulpit and Radio Cape Pulpit, we can also help our listeners set up their Will for free during National Wills Week. In addition, we can advise you on how to save on estate duty. You can include a bequest to a charity as one of your beneficiaries. Radio Pulpit or Radio Cape Pulpit qualify as such beneficiaries.

A will can save one’s family from being put into a quagmired pit of legal conundrum, in case of death (which may even be untimely).

Henrietta Newton Martin

As National Wills Week comes up. You’ll be able to listen to our interviews, and read more on our website and Facebook about the importance of having a Will.

Should you wish us to assist you or if you need more information, please call Audrey Badenhorst on 012-334 1200 or email audrey@radiopulpit.co.za.

Talking about what is to come

In general, people tend to avoid talking about death. It’s uncomfortable, almost taboo. But in reality, it’s a healthy conversation to have with those closest to us.

One grandmother, Karien*, tells how she overcame this barrier with her family. 

It began with the creation of a file with a cover in her favourite colour (for easy recognition). She clearly labelled it, ‘If Anything Happens’. The ‘Anything’ covered Karien’s wishes and instructions for eventualities such as disablement, dreaded disease, or death.

Contained in the file were all her important documents and information that would be needed. Some examples of the content were:

  • A copy of Karien’s Living Will should life support become a reality (the original is with her doctor).
  • Preferences for end of life care.
  • Preferred funeral arrangements with funeral policy.
  • Her formal up to date Will with direction to her legal Executor.
  • Title deeds to properties
  • A comprehensive list of information, both business and personal, including who should be advised of her changed status with contact details.
  • A ‘Letter of Wishes’ that relates to what should be done with particular loved or valuable possessions
  • Access to passwords and PIN numbers.

By introducing the existence and explanation of this file to her loved ones it opened the door to comfortable, positive, and constructive conversations. Karien’s file and its intentions are a gift of love to her family, making arrangements and decisions so much easier for them in what will be an emotional time of loss and grief.

If you need encouragement or teaching about a specific topic, then please browse through our podcasts on iono.fm.

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