Radio Pulpit Ascension Day Service
Written by Han on 24 April 2021
We are very excited to invite you to the Radio Pulpit Ascension Day service on 13 May. Together, we will celebrate the King of kings!
With winter slowly closing in, we invite you to share in our thankfulness by bringing a blanket on Ascension Day, which we will donate to people in need. Those who cannot attend Ascension Day are welcome to donate a blanket by bringing it to our offices between 5 and 13 May.
Important Details
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
Acts 1:8
- Date: 13 May 2021
- Time: 10 – 11 am
- Venue: Radio Pulpit offices, 42 Jacobus Street, Kilner Park, Pretoria, 0186
- Contact person: Letsie at 012 334 1284
- Entrance: Free (you are welcome to bring an offering)
- Bring a chair with you if possible
Reverent Hermy Damons, Chairperson of the Radio Pulpit Board, will give a special word of welcome, and Reverent Karel Verhoef, CEO of Radio Pulpit will do an introduction.
- Speaker: Rev Jannie Pelser
- Worship: Renee Kruger
- MC: Kedibone Rayner
- Special poem: Given Masilela
You can also reserve your seat online by completing this online form on our home page. Those who can’t attend the service can tune in to listen to the direct broadcast on the following platforms:
- Radio Pulpit 657AM
- The Livestream online
- The Radio Pulpit app
- DStv channel 882
- Open View channel 607
Don’t forget to donate a blanket! We want to encourage everyone to contribute blankets even if they don’t attend the service. You can drop the blankets at our offices in Kilner Park.