

Scheduled on

Thursday 01:00 01:30
Sunday 10:00 10:30

Touching lives and giving hope to the broken

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Touching lives and giving hope to the broken.

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HospiVision on Radio Pulpit aims to inform and build people up who are suffering. 

Your host, Dr Pieter Barnard, is from the organization HospiVision. They provide spiritual, emotional, social as well as physical care to patients. The organisation empowers people through skills development. They also support children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, Dr Pieter facilitates these services in factories or companies as well as homes for persons with disabilities. He has a deep understanding of, and empathy with people in suffering. 

The theme of HospiVision is touching lives and giving hope. It deals with spiritual, emotional and physical health issues. Ministering to those in extreme physical and emotional pain takes its toll on any person, but according to Dr Pieter, above all, it is “hope” that keeps them going.

We sow hope, and we touch lives, and in return, we reap the hope that keeps us going.

This sentiment carries over to HospiVision on Radio Pulpit. Studio guests inspire and encourage listeners through powerful testimonies, while medical and related professionals share invaluable information. 

Some of the topics we cover on HospiVision.

  • Stories and testimonies of healing and miraculous intervention by God.
  • Health guidelines and informational guidelines for family life.
  • How to make a difference in the lives of those who live with depression and no hope.

If you missed a show, you can find the podcast by clicking here.

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