
Inspiration with Lynette Beer

Scheduled on

Thursday 07:25 08:00

Your weekly dose of inspiration

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Your weekly dose of inspiration!



Inspiration with Lynette Beer is a small but powerful podcast on Radio Pulpit during Good News Time. It is one of our listener highlights of the week.

The series formed part of her “Seeds of Inspiration” project and originated from one of Lynette’s ‘aha’ moments.

That moment when she grasped that every word we utter, has the potential to plant one of two seeds which she refers to as “the two e’s that either empower or eradicate.

According to Lynette, the alpha and omega of almost every single human issue are relationships. To be content personally and successful professionally, you must first have a healthy relationship with yourself, and secondly, develop symbiotic relationships with others. 

Examples of topics:

  • Wat jy op fokus, bepaal jou perspektief
  • Die God wat deure toe maak
  • Wanneer alles te veel raak
  • Gesonde waardes as ‘n kompas vir opvoeding
  • Wie het inspraak in jou lewe?
  • Verheug jou in ander se sukses
  • Laat jou dae tel

Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration with Lynette Beer Thursdays on Radio Pulpit. It’s five minutes of life-changing words. If you’ve missed an episode, then head on over to our dedicated podcast section for Inspiration with Lynette Beer.

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Podcast of previous episodes

Inspiration with Lynette Beer crew

Current track


