

Scheduled on

Monday 01:30 02:00
Wednesday 00:00 00:30
Saturday 14:30 15:00
Sunday 09:30 10:00

A word for such a time as this

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All about the joy of living!

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Lewensvreugde is a motivational and encouraging programme on Radio Pulpit with a strong message of hope.

A word for such a time as this.

Your presenter for Lewensvreugde is Pieter van Wijk. In this programme, we discuss and address specific issues related to everyday life. He also discusses struggles, using the Bible as a reference and his life experience as a minister of the Gospel to edify listeners.

The aim is to encourage listeners to stay focused on the Word and allow the ministering of it to support them and restore joy in their lives.

Lewensvreugde is all about the joy of living and well-being. For similar teachings, you can listen to Heart to Heart.

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