
Completing the race of life

Written by on 14 July 2022

We are living in challenging times and the temptation to give up and not finish the race of life is a reality for many. Today, we want to encourage you to complete the race. There will be times when you feel to call for “time out” and that is fine, but don’t give up. You are not alone in this struggle.

Most of us know John 3:16 by heart:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus understands the challenges we face

God the Father gave His Son and Jesus voluntarily gave Himself. He physically lived through the stages of human development – from being a baby – to being a toddler – to being a child – to being a teenager – to being an adult. He knows the challenges we face during each and every stage of our lives; He experienced life on earth first-hand.

Why would Jesus, being part of the almighty Triune God, submit Himself to this? Love is the answer. But why were His last words: “It is finished” if He has everlasting life, sitting at the right hand of the Father? I believe it is because He never lost sight of the goal, the bigger picture. He spent more than three decades on earth to finally reach this ‘aim of love’. He used His life on earth to show love towards us – not only by lovingly guiding us with His words and parables but also by His acts. His love for us motivated miracles, healing and deliverance; thereby pointing to the Father’s love

Being fully God and fully man, Jesus did get tired and was tested but He never gave up. He asked for the bitter cup of earthly death to be taken away while being in the Garden of Gethsemane. When that did not happen, He did not lose sight of the aim and run away as His disciples did. He gave His life, so that we could live, breathing His last words out: ‘It is finished’.

Today we receive instruction from God through His Word and by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we feel the task at hand is ‘too big’ and ‘is taking too long’. That is when doubt creeps in. But if we, once again, focus on Jesus; hope fills us and enables us to continue; to push through, no matter what.

Jesus completed the race, and so will we complete our races, by His grace.

For daily inspiration tune in on your favourite Christian radio station on 657 AM, or read The Word for Today. You can also listen to our podcasts on iono.fm. Young adults can find guidance on I AM Youth.

Written by Jean Lung: Group Manager: Communication

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