
What will count before God’s throne?

Written by on 3 February 2022

It is inevitable that each of us will stand before God’s throne. The righteous receive their reward and the unsaved are condemned forever. It is the one place where you get what you deserve, and without the blood of Jesus, you are lost.

But as a Christian, you stand there to be rewarded more, or less, and that cardinal moment determines your place in His kingdom forever ahead.

So if your whole life is about that one moment, and life is like a breath, then we better use this piece of allocated time of grace to the full! After all, we want to be able to stand before Him with confidence on that day. Then His opinion counts, and what He thought should be your priorities during your lifetime, and it determines EVERYTHING!

So what impresses God? Definitely not if you were happy, how much you owned or what other people thought of you.

What the Bible says

All that was done in the Name of Jesus, for the sake of Jesus, and on the foundation of Christ; in obedience to His Word and guided by the Spirit.

  • Whether you had a love for His Word – to know Him (His will and His heart) (John 17:3)
  • Whether you have loved him with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind (Luke 10:27)
  • Whether you were faithful to Him (Isa. 23)
  • Your prayer life (i.e. your relationship with Him) (Phil 4:6)
  • Whether you obeyed Him, no matter what your flesh, your friends, or your culture says (John 14:15)
  • Whether you expected His return and therefore had a heart for the lost (1 Thess 2:19)
  • Whether you made disciples (Matt. 28:16)
  • Whether you have served and loved your fellow believers (Matt. 10:42)
  • Whether you have served and loved those who could not repay you (Luke 14)
  • Whether your motives were pure (1 Cor 4:5)
  • Whether you have grown in character (Gal 5:22) and in holiness (1 Pet 1:16)
  • Whether you esteemed others higher than yourself (Mark 9:35)
  • Whether you were a martyr (Revelation 2:10)
  • If you were a church leader (you are judged more strictly). (1 Pet 5: 2-4)

We need to stop and examine ourselves about what we are doing. Consider your life now in your time of grace! We have no more time, effort or money to waste on something else.

Make sure you know what is going to count towards your appointment at the throne. You can also listen to this post’s podcast in Afrikaans on iono.fm.

Written by Janine van Niekerk.

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